
  1. To submit a for-sale or wanted ad, please fill out the following form and click the submit button.
  2. Please limit your ads to Micronauts, Interchangeables, Microman, Lords of Light, and other Micronaut derivatives.
  3. Your form will not be processed if any data is missing from the required fields.

If you do not know what MIB, C-9, etc. means, look down at the bottom of this form for some definitions.

Sharp kicks in the posterior will be awarded to those who post wanted/forsale ads without first checking the forsale/wanted sections! :-)

Note: This form is processed by a machine, so if you put in something nonsensical, the whole world will see it with your name and email address attached. Also, if you do not supply the required information, your ad will not be processed.

Select For-Sale or Wanted (Required):

Your Email address (Required):

Your Full Name (Required):

List your Micronauts' details below :

NameConditionPrice (or negotiable)

Comments to appear with your ad (optional)

Comments for just me (Erik) - these will not appear in your ad

Moving separator

Conditions :