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Star Searcher : Multipurpose exploration/assault/recovery vehicle with blaster turret, earthmover, and crane. Also had a secret compartment below the front vehicle. The vehicle also separated into two parts for specialized missions. Click on the picture or here to view a larger image.
Mobile Exploration Lab : Large scientific research platform. This was probably one of the most versatile Micronauts, disassembling into a spaceship, land crusier and mini-personnel carrier. Had movable arms on each side of the tower and a blaster in a rear compartment. Click on the picture or here to see the Mobile Exploration Lab in the Sears Catalog picture with several of its many configurations. Near the end of the movie Time Bandits you can see the base craft from the MEL in the final battle between good and evil.
Battle Cruiser : Heavy cruiser equipped with multiple blaster ports. Side guns detach to become hand held rubber dart guns. A Micronaut sitting on top of the cruiser could be dumped into the front capsule with the touch of a button. This capsule could also launch with the touch of another button. The side modules also detached, and could become mini-spaceships with bubble capsules for one figure each. The cruiser had a wired remote control that could put the vehicle into forward or reverse motion, and it even had a missile launcher in it. A later variant of the Battle Cruiser had guns that still fired, but the missile stopped inside the launcher. The little missile inside the remote control was also molded in and wouldn't fire.
Astro Station : The Astro Station is probably one of the neatest Micronaut vehicles, with multiple rocket turrets, seating for four, a cryochamber, a landing bridge and a personnel launcher.
Warp Racer : Wind-up motor zips this formula-style race car around Micropolis. Came with a Time Traveler figure.
Crater Cruncher : The Micronaut construction vehicle. Crater Cruncher had an extendable crane in the rear and a front-end loader scoop in the front. Rubber rear wheels were powered by a wind-up motor. Came with a Time Traveler figure.
Ultronic Scooter : The Ultronic Scooter had a wind up motor and adjustable handlebars. Came with a Time Traveler figure.
Photon Sled : The Photon Sled has a molded plastic canopy with detachable wings and wheels. The rubber rear wheels are powered with a wind up motor. Came with a Time Traveler figure.
Hydra : Double-barreled defensive vehicle. Guns and operator's chair are mounted on movable struts. Not known for it's terrain-handling capabilities, the Hydra relies on its long range missile launchers to silence its foes. A later Hydra variant came without the springs in the missile launcher, so the missiles didn't fire. Another variant had hard plastic missiles (pictured) vs. the softer rubber-tipped ones.
Galactic Cruiser : Attack cruiser with adjustable wheel struts gets this vehicle over all kinds of terrain and the double-barreled turret blaster makes sure all is quiet on the western front. A later Galactic Cruiser variant came without the springs in the missile launcher, so the missiles didn't fire. Another variant had hard plastic missiles (pictured) vs. the softer rubber-tipped ones. The Italian version of Galactic Cruiser had non-firing missiles, which were silver-shafted and stumpy, with small rubber heads.
Thorium Orbiter : The Thorium Orbiter came with two detachable periscopes for spying on other people. With only small landing wheels underneath, this vehicle was designed primarily for orbital use. The actual version of Thorium Orbiter has a black nosecone vs the nosecone-less version shown here.
Rhodium Orbiter : An atmospherically sealed, rubber-wheeled land cruiser with spinning nose cone. Although the Rhodium Orbiter is pictured with a clear plastic canopy, the actual toy does not have the canopy.
Neon Orbiter : Micronaut Trike.
Aquatron : Micronaut equivalent of a jet ski. Two pontoons keep Aquatron afloat, while a Hydrocopter motor powers the craft.
Karrio : Carrying case / spaceship for smaller Micronaut figures. Karrio isn't really much of a toy; it's essentially a hollow, hinged shell with wheels. There are pegs on the interior for mounting Micronauts, and holes on the outside for mounting guns / chairs/etc. Click here or here to see two different, larger pictures of Karrio (with Micronauts inside). In the movie Poltergeist you can see a Karrio hidden in the toy closet.
Gyrotron : Gyrotron is a yellow, green, and black sphere with yellow discs for wheels (which are motorized). The black piece becomes a platform for a figure to stand on with a mounted laser rifle. Underneath the platform is landing gear that can be put away until needed. Gyrotron also comes with two antenna that can also be used for wheels or as the mount for the laser rifle. Gyrotron can also be made into a rotating satillite by putting one wheel into the side of the vehicle and then attaching one antenna to the other side and putting the other wheel onto the pivot side of the antenna. Turn on Gyrotron and it spins! Click on the picture or here to see a larger picture.
Hydro Copter : Helicopter with aquatic capabilities and a motorized torpedo. Has twin lasers and side winglets that can be replaced with buoys for aqautic use.
Taurion : Rare Series 3 vehicle. A small, stubby ship, with long skinny wings and a large, clear-plastic canopy. Also had two small vertical fins on either side of the cockpit. Came with the same wind-up wheel assembly used for Warp Racer, etc. A Taurion vehicle is also included with the Star Defender vehicle, and sits atop the conning tower. Taurion was also released in Italy in a Mego box, but with a black decal with Italian text over top of the English text. The motor was white (instead of chrome), like Hyperion.
Solarion : Rare Series 3 vehicle. A sharp-nosed ship with a normal wind-up wheel assembly in the back, but a unique mono-ski attachment in the front instead of a wheel. There was a spoiler on the back with two vertical fins, and laser gun of some sort attached to the nose. Two Solarions are included with the Star Defender vehicle, which hang from cranes in the rear of the vehicle. Solarion has also released in Italy and had a white (instead of chrome) motor.
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The Trons : Comical wobbling battery-driven vehicles with sophisticated communications arrays. The Trons are based on the car from the Stratastation with two speeds an a neutral gear. Each Tron has a different color head and different arm attachments. Gammatron has a shovel attachment, Aphatron has large claw-like hands, and Betatron has long arms with tiny claw-hands (also has Acroyear style spinner wings).
![]() | Star Defender: Star Defender is based on the Star Searcher platform. If you look closely, you'll see that the front wheel base (and secret compartment) is exactly the same. The reart wheel base is similar to Star Searcher, but is enhanced with a battery-driven rear wheels. At the front of the Star Defender is the main control pod, which looks similar to Star Searcher's. On either side of the pod are arm/pincher assemblies similar to Biotron's hands. Moving rearward you'll see the most dominant feature of the Star Defender, the conn tower. This tower has a hinged door and chair for the lower console. This chair has a hand crank that moves it rather noisily along a track to a Taurion, which is perched atop the tower. Mounted to the sides of the tower are two big guns that have the same rubber missiles as the Battle Cruiser. At the rear of the vehicle is a turntable that hold two fin-like appendages (labeled antennae). At the very back of the vehicle are two cranes that hold two complete Solarians. Also released by Mego as the Buck Rogers Star Searcher.Click here to see a bigger, side-view picture. |
![]() | Hyperion: Hyperion, released in Italy under the I Micronauti line, is one of the more conventional looking vehicles, yet some things look a bit out of place. Large wings are mounted at the rear of the vehicle, and a figure can sit in between. There is a big gun in the front of the vehicle that looks similar to Astro Station's missile launcher, but the Hyperion pictured on the box shows a much smaller missile launcher with a solid rocket. Hyperion is powered by a wind-up motor, but the engine is white instead of the usual chrome, there are also some spare wheels near the motor that never touch the ground. Mego added this toy to their "Pocket Superheros" line as the "Hulk Explorer Vehicle," which only showed up in England. |
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